Thursday, September 30, 2010

Queen of the Sun

There is a new documentary out about colony collapse syndrome called "Queen of the Sun." I found out about it while walking through my new neighborhood in Portland: seeing the posters for Queen of the Sun had been tacked to every possible pole on Hawthorne Street. Queen of the Sun plays through this weekend locally, but I had also seen the Craigslist ad for a marketing person to spread the word about Queen of the Sun a couple of months ago, but didn't apply since my computer-skillmind still can't quite fathom Twitter.

Hey, notice the flagrant SEO ing of this post? Yes indeed, to have it score in the world, the phrase Queen of the Sun must be repeated over and over, up to five times. I hope the movie is's made by the same people who created "The Real Dirt on Farmer John." 

while you're at it, check out the remarkable documenary group

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