In the shamanic traditions in which I was trained and raised, illness is the perfect expression of some part of the human body that is experiencing disconnect and denial by the human personality residing there. Experiencing any kind of discomfort, disturbed human response, lack of energy, et cetera, is always related to what one is carrying in one's field of energy that is asking for attention and integration.
I bring this up because there is a heap of information being spread around in the light-leaning spiritual community that everything uncomfortable, shocking and difficult that folks are experiencing right now is "perfect," and not to be afraid of, and that one must trust Spirit and simply endure it.
There is not a thing that makes us uncomfortable that is just something that Spirit is imposing on us, forcing us to endure for some unknown "greater good." It is never required that we endure difficulty and pain to satisfy Spirit (unless we believe or are implanted with beliefs that we must). at left: Susan Jamison, Lovelace
We ourselves open the door to enduring difficulty when we decide to refuse to lovingly and ruthlessly do the work to know and transform ourselves, despite being given constant hints and clues as to who and what we have allowed ourselves to become.
Now that we're in the Changing Times, illnesses that people could bear and build for centuries undetected are now showing up, demanding to be acknowledged and integrated/cleared. Each person is at a crossroads of evolution, and if they don't shift their reality and take action, they may bring forth these very obvious forms of sickness.
We know that everyone who was born during this time and place entered into the agreement knowing (certainly their numinous self knows) that they would be given plenty of hints and wakeup calls and opportunity to come alive to themselves and clear their morphic fields. The strange sicknesses now coming into reality are the final, most undeniable signal that the person has consistently neglected inner calls to shift their perception.
Even though we call it cruel to "blame the victim," actually no human being is capable of getting sick unless his energy field is holding energy patterns created by his alignment with that form of reality in thought, feeling and action. Sometimes a pattern of sickness is magnetized when a person consistently chooses the same kind of experience, refusing over the long term to challenge herself to experience it's opposite...becoming overly developed in either the deep dark or the expansive light, not balancing her spiritual portfolio, so to speak.
Whether patterns were magnetized in this life or thousands of others, or in the lives of our genetic relations, has no bearing on the truth of their existence. If it's in the field, imbalance will sooner or later take shape.
A friend wrote my dad, asking for his thoughts about some Youtube videos that show folks experiencing a sickness whereby their skin erupts in sores all over their bodies, and out of these lesions emerge small threads or minute insects. It's all on disturbing view at Youtube. Search for "Morgellon."
There are also many clips showing dead bees carrying these threads, and anecdotal accounts of these mysterious threads quickly killing honeybees by contact resembling electro shock. One theory suggests that these errant fibers come from genetically modified cotton. Not a coincidence, then, that the spiritual tradition involving the honeybee is intimately and numinously related to the threads of fate and spinners of destiny.
The thread sickness is deeply symbolic, shamanically and mythically. In both Native American (Spider Woman) and European traditions (the Norns or Three Sisters), the spinner/s of fate, are the beings who tells us daily, if we acknowledge it, what our balanced place is in the web of life, and also that we are connected to all others. Chronic distraction and chronic overvaluing of individualism may be at the root of this sickness. Chronic refusal to keep one's spiritual weave intact and stay connected. The threads of connection in these humans are broken and scattered and the human has refused to acknowledge, energetically, his place in the web, refused to take responsibility for his experience as a human connected to the universe. These broken threads have no choice but to float to the surface and come out.
In the shamanic traditions worldwide, unacknowledged, unnecessary energy in the body shows up as writhing insects which the shaman can see. Infestation of this kind reflects a morphic field stuffed to overflowing with unresolved self-hatred and self-repulsion, a chronic deficit in self-love and an inability to integrate and transmute guilt. It is astounding that this universal watermark of shamanic spiritual extraction has recently become actualized in our world for all to witness.
Also strangely ironic/non-ironic at this point is that these unfortunate folks are being told they have created this, it doesn't really exist, and there is no help for them. It is a cruel denial of obvious reality, and yet: Yes, they have created this...yes, they are challenged to know what is real though previously unseen...yes, only they can change this, and nobody can make it go away for them. All of these things are true as the sickness has surfaced in our world which they have been unconsciously cultivating or carrying for eons in the other world of reality.
I do not mean to sound so detached, ruthless and uncaring about this shocking syndrome. I myself have carried garbage and lies in my own field that I have worked mightily to either avoid seeing, or indeed, take responsibility for and transform. I have been successful, and at times I have not been, and have experienced sickness that I was desperate to change, deeply frightened of, and feeling powerless about.
I was called to go in the opposite direction of powerlessness. To go to my power in order to find the solution. The solution is always self-and-spirit-crafted, regardless of which health professionals are helping. The solution appears always when the numinous self makes the decision at the deepest level to align with something else than what is apparent.
Our numinous selves want very much that the soul personality "get this" for once and for all. Soul-cleansing is what is necessary to evolve.
Human beings are conditioned to choose comfort, ease, and the known. How on earth do people learn to choose to align with going into the dark of the unknown in order to confront the ignorance of what they are holding? Desperate people want to go to what has worked before: the socially acknowledged experts, go to the medical professionals, to the place that says this isn’t about the numinous or the unseen. The mind wants to go to the "logical" solution.
My parents, my grandparents and me, by Frida Kahlo In spiritual orders of old, the journey of any particular tradition had built into it work that took the seeker in a completely opposite direction of where their safe-modus-of-operation would normally go. The mind-blowing challenges meant to relieve our soul story of its accumulated content can only be activated by deciding to take them on, regardless of outcome...stepping into the void, being the innocent fool, yelling YES! no matter what. YES! I trust that I am heal-able, that I am healed, that is is taking place, that it is real, it is done.
So often when new diseases appear and strange happenings shock us, folks tend to align immediately with victim's story of struggle. When did humans forget that courage is necessary in the face of the unexpected, in the face of change? When did we forget to override the accustomed in order to allow new possibilities to be born?
Whether or not we choose to undergo spiritual challenges purposely, fate’s spinners take us there anyway. When we summon courage to surprise ourselves, we get to practice the power of intentional decision in the weaving of fate. Eventually we learn to choose all the colors and patterns and end up with a weave of our own design. I believe this is where we are headed, all of us.