Thursday, April 22, 2010

Post move...letting Mr. Davis do the Talking

We have moved from Germany to Colorado. Back to, I should say. Here is where half the family is, and where we have been for the past two months after almost seven years of exile.

It has been a culture shock, and yet also quite comfortingly familiar. The good and the bad blend, the past with the present blend, all like oils on a sheet of water when you're marbling paper. That is: they don't blend really, to make mud, but they stay resiliantly separate, swirling next to each other, constantly contrasting. What belongs there, what belongs here...what belongs no longer in either place and time.

Today. Earth Day. And I'd like to share with you one of my very favorite talks given, ever, by anthropologist and world explorer Wade Davis. More writing later. And not so vague.

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